A A resistência bacteriana à antimicrobianos na pandemia da covid-19

Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials the covid-19 pandemic


  • Alexsandra Correia Baumgartner Uniamérica Campus Biopark
  • Fernanda Kaefer UniAmérica
  • Dayane Kelly Sabec Pereira Uniamérica Campus Biopark




Antimicrobials. Bacterial resistance. COVID-19. Microorganisms


Covid-19 affects the cells of the lower respiratory tract, which triggers an inflammatory cascade in the body. During these infections, it is up to the immune system to eliminate pathogens in order to recover cellular homeostasis and repair tissues. When there is a failure in this pathway, the immune system finds it difficult to regain balance, one of these problems can be caused by secondary infections, which generates additional clinical complications. Thus, this research aims to address aspects such as the prevalence and incidence of the main strains of bacteria found in patients hospitalized with covid-19 in a hospital in the western region of Paraná and to evaluate the prevalent pharmacotherapy used for the treatment of patients. The methodology of this study consists of a cross-sectional observational study with retrospective recruitment based on the collection of data from medical records of patients who were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a private hospital in Western Paraná between January and October 2021.

According to the results found, antibiograms were performed in more than 70% of patients hospitalized during the research period and the use of antimicrobials was carried out empirically, even in cases in which there was no identified bacterial growth. Ceftriaxone and azithromycin were the drugs most used individually and in associations.

Author Biography

Alexsandra Correia Baumgartner, Uniamérica Campus Biopark

Covid-19 affects the cells of the lower respiratory tract, which triggers an inflammatory cascade in the body. During these infections, it is up to the immune system to eliminate pathogens in order to recover cellular homeostasis and repair tissues. When there is a failure in this pathway, the immune system finds it difficult to regain balance, one of these problems can be caused by secondary infections, which generates additional clinical complications. Thus, this research aims to address aspects such as the prevalence and incidence of the main strains of bacteria found in patients hospitalized with covid-19 in a hospital in the western region of Paraná and to evaluate the prevalent pharmacotherapy used for the treatment of patients. The methodology of this study consists of a cross-sectional observational study with retrospective recruitment based on the collection of data from medical records of patients who were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a private hospital in Western Paraná between January and October 2021.

According to the results found, antibiograms were performed in more than 70% of patients hospitalized during the research period and the use of antimicrobials was carried out empirically, even in cases in which there was no identified bacterial growth. Ceftriaxone and azithromycin were the drugs most used individually and in associations.


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How to Cite

CORREIA BAUMGARTNER, A.; KAEFER, F.; KELLY SABEC PEREIRA, D. A A resistência bacteriana à antimicrobianos na pandemia da covid-19: Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials the covid-19 pandemic. Extensão em Foco (ISSN: 2317-9791), [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 32–49, 2023. DOI: 10.33362/ext.v11i1.3170. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uniarp.edu.br/index.php/extensao/article/view/3170. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


