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: The article discusses one of the few topics discussed in education, but extremely necessary for the educational process. Historically, school spaces are not valued in the same proportion of the importance they have. School infrastructure has become even more important after the High School Reform law, which among many changes increases the workload in schools. Students spend more time at school with the same infrastructure as always, making different results difficult. The study presents the infrastructure of state schools in a specific region of the state of Santa Catarina and analyzes a notebook issued by the state with pedagogical scripts of the elective curricular components that points out the necessary spaces for the application of these activities. The infrastructure of most schools in the region is adequate according to the scale used, but when analyzing the infrastructure requested for the elective components, there is a real gap. All of this reinforces the ineffectiveness of the reform of high school, as it does not dialogue with the reality of schools.


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How to Cite

BARUFFI, P. P. O ESPAÇOS ESCOLARES: A LACUNA ENTRE A REALIDADE E AS NECESSIDADES PARA O NOVO ENSINO MÉDIO: SCHOOL SPACES: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REALITY AND NEEDS FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL. Extensão em Foco (ISSN: 2317-9791), [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 60–76, 2022. DOI: 10.33362/ext.v10i1.2928. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uniarp.edu.br/index.php/extensao/article/view/2928. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


