


Extension, Teenagers, Child, Interprofessional work


Health promotion is seen as an effective strategy to address various health issues in children, as educational activities aim to change individual behavior. The objective of this work is to report the experience of a group of children and adolescents participating in a social project. Students from the nursing, psychology, and dentistry programs organized activities for two sessions using educational and explanatory posters on health topics. These sessions took place in June 2023, with about 100 children participating each day at PROFESP. It was observed that the activities encouraged the children and adolescents to engage in dialogue and express values, opinions, suffering, concerns, personal situations, and to perceive the context in which they were situated. There was a promotion of dialogue about health risk factors and self-care, as well as opportunities for exchanging experiences and clarifying doubts. Initially, the participants seemed apprehensive, but curious and attentive to the activities, showing interest in the topics discussed and an apparent desire to delve deeper into them. It is considered that it was possible to observe the collective functioning of the children and adolescents and the dynamics arising from the specific place and group.


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How to Cite

BATISTA, A.; LUZ TOLOSA , V.; MACHADO LUZ FERREIRA , A. P.; DORNELLES SALEH, F.; GARGARO ZAMARCHI, T.; MENEZES SEERIG , L. INTERPROFISSIONAL WORK WITH TEENAGERS FROM THE FORCES IN SPORTS PROGRAM (PROFESP). Extensão em Foco (ISSN: 2317-9791), [S. l.], v. 12, n. 00, p. 128–138, 2024. DOI: 10.33362/ext.v12i00.3599. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.