Telework., Bibliometry., Pandemic., Worker's health.Abstract
Telework has developed and expanded in several countries around the world after the beginning of the dissemination of COVID-19, influenced by social isolation. This type of work has aroused the interest of researchers in recent years. This scenario makes it timely to analyze and systematize the world knowledge of this field. The aim of this research was to analyze the scientific production on telework during the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the present study aimed to perform bibliometric analysis to identify the primordial characteristics of the production of scientific articles on telework during the pandemic. First, the search terms were defined, then the Scopus database was selected, then the data set was imported into the VOSviewer software, and quantitative analysis was finally performed. The study identified: research trends per year; co-authorship analysis; most cited articles and area of knowledge that most studies the theme. The objectives of the study were achieved, because the analysis given allowed to identify that there is a tendency to increase research on telework, as well as identified findings, limitations and lines of research, from the analyses performed. Therefore, this article may contribute to future research that investigates the systematization of knowledge on the subject, as well as researchers who seek gaps in this area of knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Caitto Arroyo Vasconcellos, Ayara Leticia Bentes da Silva, Greyce Emanuelle Moreira de Oliveira Lisboa, Cristiano Descovi Schimith
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