
  • Paulo Roberto Serpa Univali
  • Stefany Mendes da Silva Centro Universitário Avantis – UniAvan
  • Margarete de Lima Mendes da Silva Centro Universitário Avantis – UniAvan



Family, Child, School, Infancy, Education


The theme of this research was defined based on observations and experiences carried out during curricular internships in Early Childhood Education and Management within the scope of the undergraduate course in Pedagogy at a private Higher Education institution on the coast of Santa Catarina. This research follows a qualitative approach based on bibliographical research (Gil, 1994), being carried out through documentary analysis. To build the theoretical reference framework we used Google Scholar and SciELO. As an analysis method, descriptive and interpretative analysis was adopted based on the personal experiences of the researchers and the research findings (Stake, 2011). Problem question: How can the family influence the child’s educational process? As a hypothesis, we believe that a well-structured family nucleus can be a strong influence on the child's formative process, whether in their personal, professional or school life. In this context, the general objective of this research is to understand the importance of family participation in early childhood education.

Author Biographies

Paulo Roberto Serpa, Univali

Doutorando em Educação. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI. Docente do curso de Pedagogia. Centro Universitário Avantis - UNIAVAN.

Stefany Mendes da Silva, Centro Universitário Avantis – UniAvan

Licenciada em Pedagogia. Centro Universitário Avantis

Margarete de Lima Mendes da Silva, Centro Universitário Avantis – UniAvan

Licenciada em Pedagogia. Centro Universitário Avantis


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How to Cite

SERPA, P. R.; SILVA, S. M. da; SILVA, M. de L. M. da. The ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Extensão em Foco (ISSN: 2317-9791), [S. l.], v. 12, n. 00, p. 105–117, 2024. DOI: 10.33362/ext.v12i00.3557. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.