The influence of early maladaptive schemas on the individual's professional role





Esquemas iniciais desadaptativos, Bem-estar organizacional, Papel profissional, Terapia do esquema


This research addressed the concept of Maladaptive Initial Schemes, seeking to understand, based on the existing literature, its relationship with the performance of the individual's professional role and his well-being at work. The article is a narrative review, based on the literature on the topics discussed. Based on data obtained from the literature, hypotheses were constructed based on evidence of personality traits and organizational behavior and the relationship with EIDS. The results suggest that maladaptive schemas can influence the individual's professional life, the way he sees himself, others, and his role, which may reduce the possibility of well-being in the professional environment, and even cause disorders work-related. The hypotheses raised in this study, however, are still only theoretical, requiring empirical investigations.

Author Biography

Laura Evlyn Costa Oliveira, Instituto Educacional Maria Ranulfa

Bacharel em Psicologia pelo Instituto Educacional Maria Ranulfa e pós graduanda em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental pela PUC Minas.


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How to Cite

COSTA OLIVEIRA, L. E.; MIRANDA RODRIGUES PINHEIRO, F.; RODRIGUES TEODORO, N. The influence of early maladaptive schemas on the individual’s professional role: THE INFLUENCE OF EARLY MALADAPTIVE SCHEMAS ON THE INDIVIDUAL’S PROFESSIONAL ROLE. Vision Journal: Organizational Management, Caçador (SC), Brasil, v. 12, n. 2, p. e3238-e3238, 2023. DOI: 10.33362/visao.v12i2.3238. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


