Mentoria de liderança: um estudo de caso com base nos princípios e práticas da psicologia positiva
Leadership mentoring: a case study based on the principles and practices of positive psychology
Virtudes e forças de caráter, Autoeficácia, Liderança, MentoriaAbstract
Faced with the increasing responsibility and pressure inherent in the demands of the corporate environment, leaders play a crucial role, compelling them to enhance their skills and leadership strategies to meet challenges. This case study was developed from a mentoring program conducted with a leader from a small garment company in southern Santa Catarina, aiming to develop greater confidence in her positioning and decision-making. The mentoring program consisted of six sessions in which techniques related to virtues and character strengths and the development of self-efficacy were applied. Through the participant's feedback, the program was evaluated as effective, resulting in an increased perception of self-efficacy, particularly considering the strengths of leadership and bravery.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tamires Almeida Bressan, Lúcia Helena de Oliveira Parazzi, Hellen Cristine Geremia
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