A sustentabilidade no ensino dos programas de pós-graduação: uma análise dos PPGs de administração e ciências contábeis

Sustainability in the teaching of postgraduate programs: an analysis of PPGs in administration and accounting sciences





Ensino para a Sustentabilidade, Instituição de Ensino Superior, Disciplinas de Sustentabilidade


In postgraduate programs, teaching for sustainability has gained opportunities due to its importance in training professionals who will work in science and in the high-performance business market. The aim of this article is to verify how sustainability is included in the Teaching Plans of Master's and Doctorate courses in administration and accounting sciences at HEIs accredited by Capes. Data was collected using a protocol on the courses' websites, selecting the following variables: subjects offered, regions covered, concepts and mandatory. The data was organized in a spreadsheet and processed using descriptive frequency analysis. It was found that the administration course is the one that offers the most sustainability subjects, totaling 73% in the master's degree and 79% in the doctorate, of which more than 50% are elective and very specific to each HEI, resulting in a lower recurrence of peculiar themes, such as sustainable accounting, which is found in only six institutions in the country.


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How to Cite

SEVERO DA SILVA CECHIN FAGUNDES, C.; PASCHE KUNDE, L.; VEIGA AVILA, L. A sustentabilidade no ensino dos programas de pós-graduação: uma análise dos PPGs de administração e ciências contábeis: Sustainability in the teaching of postgraduate programs: an analysis of PPGs in administration and accounting sciences. Vision Journal: Organizational Management, Caçador (SC), Brasil, v. 13, n. 2, p. e3472-e3472, 2024. DOI: 10.33362/visao.v13i2.3472. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uniarp.edu.br/index.php/visao/article/view/3472. Acesso em: 20 oct. 2024.


