Employability from workers' view in pandemic times






Mercado de Trabalho, Inserção Profissional, Situação Profissional, Empregabilidade, COVID19


The aim of this study was to analyze the employment situation of workers in times of pandemic COVID19. The research is quantitative and the type was survey and descriptive. The sampling was non-probabilistic and for convenience, obtaining 115 participants, but 92 valid. Data obtained through a structured questionnaire using google forms. Distributed on social networks, by the snowball method, statistically analyzed using the SPSS 22 software. The analysis was divided into 4 parts, where the first dealt with the respondent's Socioeconomic profile, the second with the insertion and professional situation of workers, the third with perceptions about the organization, insertion in the labor market and employability, and the last and fourth part of the perceptions about changes in work routine from the COVID event19. It was observed as to the respondents' profile: most were women (69.6%). The age range of the sample was balanced between 18 to 25 years (30.4%), 26 to 37 years (35.9%) and 38 to 51 years (30.4%). As for education, 71.8% have higher education or more. 66.3% are married or in a stable relationship. Of these, 66.3% have their own housing. 83.7% are working. As for the professional and employability situation of workers, it can be seen that this portion of the population has remained stable in their jobs and professional situation. 78% are satisfied with their current job and 80.4% remain working at the same company, against 11.9% of unemployed at the time of data collection. A certain balance was observed in the sampling, around 30% of micro and large companies, from all branches, with a predominance of services, with 30.4%, 62% of respondents working in private organizations. Regarding the perception of work changes with the pandemic event, from the analysis it can be seen that most believe they have autonomy to carry out their activities (59.8%), work in organizations that have some career progression system (46.7%), are the main responsible for their employability and training (46.7%). As for the position, 44.5% say they occupy a job vacancy below their level of qualification, however 45.7% say that the remuneration is adequate to qualification and this, in turn, is necessary for the activity (35.9%). It was noted that 45.6% of respondents do not agree with the fact that higher education has influenced their career progression in the company, however some are not sure about this (28.3%), while 26.1% partially or totally agree with training is an important career requirement. Respondents also do not recognize the network network (54.4%) and intermediary agencies (41.3%) as facilitators in the process and insertion and professional situation. It was concluded with the study that the majority of the respondents are stable in their jobs, satisfied, considering that the sample points to people of so-called “middle class” where the majority have higher education or more and occupy positions according to the training. It is inferred that perhaps this is not the reality of the population, having seen the Brazilian data on precariousness and unemployment.


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How to Cite

KNECHT RAMOS, M.; LUCAS DOS SANTOS, G. Employability from workers’ view in pandemic times: EMPLOYABILITY FROM WORKERS’ VIEW IN PANDEMIC TIMES. Vision Journal: Organizational Management, Caçador (SC), Brasil, v. 10, n. 2, p. 59–76, 2021. DOI: 10.33362/visao.v10i2.2453. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uniarp.edu.br/index.php/visao/article/view/2453. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


