Fatores que determinam a satisfação no trabalho na sede do governo do Distrito de Chókwè – Gaza – Moçambique

Factors determining job satisfaction at the headquarters of the District government of Chókwè – Gaza – Mozambique





Condições de trabalho, Remuneração, Benefícios, Relacionamento com a Chefia, Relacionamento entre colegas


The main objective of this research was to evaluate and discuss the factors that interfere with job satisfaction among employees at the Chókwè District Government headquarters, having been developed through a case study, characterized by quantitative and qualitative research, and the collection of data was through primary sources associated with the questionnaire survey, and the data was treated using statistical procedures with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) tool. The descriptive statistics carried out were frequency analysis, respective percentage, and illustration in the form of tables. In this research, the traditional method of inferential statistics was ignored, as a way of allowing the discussion to involve careful observation and specific treatment of the answers involved in each question, thus grouping the content of the answers according to the variables and aspects that affect the phenomenon studied with the aim of not globalizing or bringing together opinions, ensuring that the details of each category of the issue are understood on their own. The results show, in addition to the other factors that influence satisfaction, where the problems of remuneration (87.7%), Promotion (70.5%), Benefits (53%), Working conditions (58%) and the communication (53%), which in all tables show a tendency of dissatisfaction in one of the questions in the main category, compared to the others. However, although non-satisfaction was noted due to more specific issues and not in the global context of variables, this shows that the government has a responsibility to increase more actions that have a positive impact on employees so that they provide quality services to interested parties.

Author Biography

Burailo Antonio Diogo, Instituto Superior Politecnico de Gaza

Graduado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Docente na Divisão de Economia e Gestão do Instituto Superior Politécnico de Gaza-Moçambique.


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How to Cite

ANTONIO DIOGO, B. Fatores que determinam a satisfação no trabalho na sede do governo do Distrito de Chókwè – Gaza – Moçambique: Factors determining job satisfaction at the headquarters of the District government of Chókwè – Gaza – Mozambique. Vision Journal: Organizational Management, Caçador (SC), Brasil, v. 13, n. 2, p. e3502-e3502, 2024. DOI: 10.33362/visao.v13i2.3502. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uniarp.edu.br/index.php/visao/article/view/3502. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


