


This text's object of study is initial teacher training and pedagogical practices. The objective is to analyze academic production regarding teacher training and pedagogical practices, from the period between 2017 and 2023, with a focus on initial teacher training. As methodological procedures, a systematic literature review was carried out. The databases Scielo, Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), Google Scholar, website of the University of Planalto Catarinense, Periódicos CAPES were used. At the end of the process, 21 works were selected. The text survey was carried out using the following descriptors: teacher training, pedagogical practice, didactics. The main results obtained are: the southern states of Brazil (Santa Catarina and Paraná) and the years 2021 and 2023 concentrate the largest number of publications; the most cited authors were António Nóvoa and Selma Garrido Pimenta and the keyword that was most repeated was teacher training. As a result of the qualitative analyzes of the texts, it can be observed that teacher training has been a continuous and reflective process, the result of which is the training of teachers so that they can face current challenges in their pedagogical practice., Initial teacher training;, Pedagogical Practice;, Didatics


This text's object of study is initial teacher training and pedagogical practices. The objective is to analyze academic production regarding teacher training and pedagogical practices, from the period between 2017 and 2023, with a focus on initial teacher training. As methodological procedures, a systematic literature review was carried out. The databases Scielo, Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), Google Scholar, website of the University of Planalto Catarinense, Periódicos CAPES were used. At the end of the process, 21 works were selected. The text survey was carried out using the following descriptors: teacher training, pedagogical practice, didactics. The main results obtained are: the southern states of Brazil (Santa Catarina and Paraná) and the years 2021 and 2023 concentrate the largest number of publications; the most cited authors were António Nóvoa and Selma Garrido Pimenta and the keyword that was most repeated was teacher training. As a result of the qualitative analyzes of the texts, it can be observed that teacher training has been a continuous and reflective process, the result of which is the training of teachers so that they can face current challenges in their pedagogical practice.

Author Biographies

Lilia Aparecida Kanan, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense - UNIPLAC

Doutorado. Universidade do Planalto Catarinense.

Regimari Cristina Rodolfi Beppler, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense - UNIPLAC

Gratuated in Pedagogy from the University of Southern Santa Catarina - UNISUL. Specialization in Early Childhood Education, Early and Final Years, from the University of Planalto Catarinense - UNIPLAC, specialization in Pedagogical Coordination, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina? UFSC. She is currently an Educational Consultant-Secretary of Education of the State of Santa Catarina, Tutor Professor at the University of Planalto Catarinense- UNIPLAC.

Cinthia Lopes Silva, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Has a Bachelor's degree (1997) and a Degree (2002) in Physical Education; Master's degree in Physical Education (2003) and Doctorate in Physical Education (2008). All of these degrees were obtained from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). For his doctorate, he completed an internship abroad (Sandwich Doctorate) at the Faculty of Human Motricity of the Technical University of Lisbon (2007). In 2018 he completed a post-doctorate in the area of Communication at Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Barcelona-Spain. She was a research professor at the University of Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in the Postgraduate Master's Program in Education. She has been an effective professor at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) since March 2023, where she works in the undergraduate and Postgraduate Program in Education at UFPR. She is a member of the board of directors of the International Council of Exercise and Sports Sciences of the Brics countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICSCESS) and of the international network of academics and universities - Eurosci Network.


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