Basic Education, English Teaching, Motivation, Pedagogical Strategies, Curricular Integration.Abstract
This article succinctly presents the results of three master's research projects from the Graduate Program in Basic Education at UNIARP, Caçador-SC, focused on activities to motivate elementary and high school students in learning English. The research emphasizes the need to make the teaching of the language more relevant, considering the challenges of motivating students to understand the purpose of learning the language. Therefore, the proposed strategies aimed to connect English with daily life, recognizing its importance as a global language. All activities were developed in collaboration with the students. The article is divided into three parts: 1) Transculturality in High School Education: explores how learning English can open doors to other cultures and develop cultural awareness, using films for this purpose; 2) Music in Elementary Education: highlights the use of music as a motivational and facilitative tool for learning English, with creative strategies to address language skills; 3) Action-Oriented Approach (AoA): proposes a task-based approach, comparing CEFR and BNCC skills to improve English teaching, suggesting more time and suitable materials. Additionally, a travel website was created in partnership with students based on AoA. Overall, the dissertations emphasize the importance of finding innovative ways to inspire students in the study of the English language. The research methodology was based on the bibliographic format and the practice of action research. The goal is to inspire further research and the creation of relevant educational materials to enhance the teaching of this language.
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